Fifth acquisition in 2023
Munich, 08.11.2023 – Accursia Capital acquires Plati Elettroforniture S.R.L. including its two production sites in Polandand Ukraine from Mutares.
Founded in 1973, Plati is an international producer of cable harnesses and serves Industrial, Appliances, Medical andAutomotive 2nd Tier customers by developing, assembling and supplying harnesses according to their specificrequirements.
With a strong customer-focused approach, adherence to global safety, environment, sustainability and quality standards,and 50 years of experience, Plati serves a broad customer base, including manufacturers of household and consumerelectronics.
The company generates approximately EUR 22 million in revenue with a team of over 450 employees.
“We are thrilled that the acquisition is taking place in Italy, especially given our recent office opening in Milan. This movenot only strengthens our presence in Eastern Europe but also allows us to offer our existing customers a broader range ofproduction options at the portfolio level. We are excited about the synergy this collaboration brings and the innovativesolutions we can now provide to our global clientele.” said Martin Scheiblegger, CEO of Accursia Capital.
About Accursia Capital Accursia Capital is a Munich-based private equity holding and invests in medium-sized industrial companies. The investment focus is on companies, which have significant operational value creation potentials. Typical investments are companies with unresolved succession issues, restructuring and turnaround cases as well as complex carve-out projects. Accursia Capital pursues a long-term investment approach and intends to develop its investments sustainably. For further questions regarding the transaction, please contact Oliver Würtenberger at o.wuertenberger@accursia-capital.de.